Video articles


Six Nations Students Need Supplies, Not Lies

Six Nations Students Need Supplies, Not Lies

Video by Zach Ruiter Still No Texts/Supplies for Six Na, not much else to say except for that Six Nations has a lot to say and they will say it Thursday October 11 in Toronto, noon at 25 St. Clair Ave East. Some schools may have their photocopiers repossessed, this is very sad to treat …

Toronto commemorates Bolivar birthday, expresses solidarity with Venezuelan Revolution

[Editor note: this article was originally posted on The Spanish version follows.] by: Juana Cabezas Over 50 people convened in Toronto’s Trinity Bellwood Park, site of a bust of South American Liberator Simon Bolivar, as an expression of solidarity with the Venezuelan people and with the Bolivarian Revolution. In a recent meeting in Caracas, Venezuela,

Tags: SouthAmerica

“Call Out For Support” – Barriere Lake VIDEO

Clear cutting on Algonquins of Barriere Lake territory is happening at devastatingly rapid rate. A group of Anishinabek people are camped out at Poigan Lake, Quebec determined not to leave until Resolute Forest Products (formerly AbitibiBowater) stops clear-cut logging their unceded territory. There are urgent and immediate calls to mobilize and act in solidarity. Organize


What is a Student Strike?

On July 12th, student organizers of the Quebec student strike were in Ottawa as part of the Quebec-Ontario student solidarity tour. The video below is an excerpt from Gabriel Nadeau Dubois’ talk that explains what exactly is a student strike and why it is a useful strategy.

ottawa quebec student strike may 29

“Take our struggle and make it your own”: Quebec student strike solidarity rally in Ottawa

On May 29, over a thousand people rallied in Ottawa in support of the Quebec student strike. People marched through the streets of centre town and downtown with people on street corners and in apartments showing their support. The march then crossed the bridge to Gatineau where the UQO students and their supporters have been …

san roque philippines 3

Awit ng Kadamay – Song of the Filipino Urban Poor

Philippines, 2011 – This past summer 3 basics correspondents went to the Philippines to report on the social conditions and the people who are organizing to change their society in the interest of the oppressed. This is a short documentary of the situation of the urban poor in the Philippines as told through a song written …

quebec student strike 100days

What’s this strike about? Interview with UQAM student

May 22, 2012 – BASICS Community News Service reports on the 100th day of the Quebec Student Strike.  We spoke with Amelie, a student at the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM). [correction to the translation. The first proposed tuition hike was $1,625 and not $1,025]

downtown east side gentrification

Downtown Eastside Fights Gentrificaton

April 2012 – BASICS Community News Service reports on the struggle of low-income residents unfolding in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) neighbourhood in Vancouver to oppose a new condo development that will drive up rents and drive them out. Contextualized with a historical overview of the DTES, residents describe the effects that gentrification has had on
